Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 31, 2008

ZY's tiny fingers and toes... again.. :)

 ... ZY's little fingers ...

... ZY's little toes, showing "very good" sign ...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tiny Toe...

... baby ZY's little toe ...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ZY on walker

Cute Cute poses of baby ZY sitting on a walker


ZY: Papa, is my pose OK??? I am tired of standing liau ... :P

Baby ZY playing with his toy, using his legs... Haha!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Love at 1st Bite!!!

Baby ZY has started biting about anything he could put inside his mouth. Therefore, we gave him a piece of biscuit and see if he likes it or not. Well, the fact is, he enjoyed it very much! :)

ZY: Papa, Yummy Yummy Oh!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby ZY is going to have teeth!

Taadaa!!! Today we have discovered that ZY's gum has become harder. I guess very soon he is going to get his very 1st tooth. By that time, he will be biting and munching on whatever he can reach, including his own hands... haha... must be very cute! Looking forward to that day! :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Baby ZY's Progress

Zheng Yuan is 7 months old by now. So far, he is progressing well. He is able to hold his milk/water bottle himself, has been taking semi solid food, starts to stand by holding objects/walls, playing with toys on his own, sleeping throughout the nite since he is about 2 months old, able to rollover & now he is starting to crawl! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pose It!

I need a photo for my empty photo frame. So, this morning I took some pictures of baby ZY. He has been very cooperative and has given me a few funny pose. I have selected this one to be framed. Isn't he CUTE!! Haha!!