Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Like Father like Son

This is me (Left picture) taken by my parents 30 years ago. Does my baby Zheng Yuan (Right) looks as handsome as his dad? :D

There are few similar features that can be spotted easily by comparing both the photos. My wife has been rushing me to dig out my baby's photo because she wants to see if Zheng Yuan really have the features of me during my baby time. All my aunties has been saying that he just look like me during my baby time. Once my wife saw the photos, she is convinced. Haha.. too bad my parents didn't take the front shot, else it will be easier to compare. :p

Below is my family photo taken when I was young ... try magnifying it, & you can see how small & cute I am. (LOL)

p/s: Is my daddy a handsome guy?? Can you see how slim is my mum that time??!!

Below is also my another photo taken on 25th March, 1979 (when I'm about 8 months old). Am I look cute when I was a baby boy? I can't wait to take a photo of our baby Zheng Yuan when he is 8 months old, so I can compare if he still has my look! haha..

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