Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby's 1st trip to Mid Valley Megamall

Today (23rd April) is our ROM aniversary & we have decided to bring our baby Zheng Yuan to Mid Valley Megamall for the first time. As usual, we have to get ready a list of accessories for the baby, e.g. milk power, hot water, milk bottles, baby diapers, spare clothings, stroller & many more before going out.

We enjoyed the window shopping with the rest of the crowd. Our habit of window shopping has changed as now we were more keen on visiting toy shops like Toy'r us and baby department store. We were searching around if there is any suitable baby toy or gadget to buy! Well, we welcome the change as we really enjoying ourselves very much. Probably our inner child has been awaken!! haha!!

We managed to take some beautiful photos & have had our meal at the food court. We reached home at about 9pm & our baby has fallen asleep fast after we clean him up. Though it is a bit tiring, but it's a wonderful and memorable sweet day for both of us. Even though we only spent about 3 hrs in the mall (yes.. we left home around 5pm :p), but we are really having good family time with our baby Zheng Yuan.

Here are some of the photos taken today...

ZY: "Dad, am I really going to MidValley today with you and mum?"

...1st photo @ MidValley with Mum...

... take a break, our baby has just finished his meal ...

... Guess what?! This is his expression when he sees so many leng lui in the mall ...

... posing with his dad while having dinner at the food court ...

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