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Friday, March 14, 2008

Baby's 2nd Checkup

Few days before my wife's return to work, we have brought Zheng Yuan to visit Dr. Lim for his next vaccine injection. Our baby is doing great, he is now 5.39kg & 56cm in height. Gambatte ne Zheng Yuan. :)

Dr Lim has given our baby a compulsory 6-in-1 vaccine on his right tight, which enable him to prevent & fight against "Polio", "Tetanus", "Hepatitis B", "Pertussis", "Diphteria" & "HIB".

Besides that, Dr. Lim has recommended two additional vaccines to us. They are the Rotavirus & Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccines. These two vaccines are optional in Malaysia, but compulsory in certain countries. These vaccines are very important against specific deathly viruses, however the prices for the vaccines are on the high side. The vaccine for Rotavirus is in liquid form which is to be taken orally for two separate times. As for PCV vaccine, it is via 4 different injection.

Despite the high cost, we have decided to go for the vaccines. As long as it is within the affordable range, we will want the best for our baby. The 1st course for both vaccines has been scheduled on mid of next month.

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