Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, May 9, 2008

Baby is sick...

For the past 2 days, ZY has a little bit of coughing, and this morning it seems like he is coughing more frequently. Besides, he started to have a bit of flu as well. Thus, without any hesitation, we brought him to a child specialist at Bandar Puteri, Puchong. To my surprise, we are not the earliest patient there. The clinic was crowded with parents & children. Looking at all the little kids was feeling uncomfortable due to the sickness is really heartache. Anyway, we both waited patiently for more than 30min for our turn.

Dr Chan is a kind person. He has checked on our baby's temperature, heart beat, breathing & throat condition. After the examination, Dr Chan has prescribed 2 medication (a liquid medicine to enlarge baby's esophagus & a liquid drop to dry baby's mucus) plus a salty liquid solution (to spray into baby's nasal as to clean and clear the excessive wet and dry mucus). I found that the salt solution is quite effective. Baby seems getting better after the we clean his nose.

Hopefully baby ZY will recover asap. Baby, Gambatte ne !!! Daddy & Mummy love you !!! :)

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