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Monday, October 8, 2007

Baby's 5th Scanning

As usual, 19th Sept is the date for us to pay our monthly visit to Dr. Jason Lim's clinic. It will be our fifth ultrasound scanning. We are still unable to confirm on our baby's gender during this scanning. The baby is now 23 weeks & 4 days old. Anyway, for both of us, the most important news we would like to hear from Dr. Jason is that our baby is healthy and he/she is doing great with the development.

Me & my wife had notice a huge difference in terms of my wife's tummy size. It grows so rapidly in just within a month's time before the scanning. As expected, my wife did gain about 3kg this time. Overall, she's still fit within 12kg range scale. However, Dr Jason has reminded my wife again to watch on her weight gain. haha... Don't worry, my dear wife, I will always support you. Oh Yes!

FYI, the ideal weight gain for a pregnant women is about 12kg. However, it varies according to your initial weight, age, and health status when you are conceiving.

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