Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baby's 8th Scanning

From the 7th scanning onwards, me & my wife are require to visit Dr Jason Lim once every 2 weeks. My wife is now in the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy period. Extra cautious need to be taken into consideration, e.g healthy eating habits, cannot sit or stand too long, proper sleeping positions, sleep early, reduce in workloads, etc.

I have started doing simple foot massage for my wife almost every night to help on improving the blood circulation. This will also prevent or reduce the chances of her getting backache, numbness or cramps. As usual, I'll then sing nursery songs or telling stories to my baby before going to bed. He is now 33 weeks & 3 days old, weighting approximately 1.98kg.

Keep it up, Lau Po! & my Boy Boy!

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