Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Confinement Cookbook

Approximately 7 weeks to go before the delivery date. My wife's GM has recommended a confinement cookbook to us. We have read through it & found that all the recipes were written in simple & easy steps, in Mandarin and English as well. Even, a guy like me who only know how to cook very simple meal like omelets can also transform to become a more professional chef to cook a more sophisticated dish by just following the instructions from the book.

We then bought the book from Popular bookstore at IOI Mall Puchong. It only cost us about RM20 & we have a better idea now about the confinement meals.

Start wearing your apron & make a good meal now.
Engkau Boleh! Nanny Boleh! Daddy pun Boleh! :D

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