Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Knowing more about Good Names

I can still remember about 5 - 6 yrs ago, me & my wife had consulted a FengShui sifu to calculate & analyse both our Chinese character names whether they are in good FengShui or not. We realise by then that each of our Chinese character & its arrangement can affect a person's destiny, characteristics & lucks. E.g Surname represents our ancestors & their inheritances, and the link between the surname & middle name represents the relationship between us & our ancestors or parents, etc.

In the market, there are a lot of books available that talks about importance of having a good names, and also how to find a good name according to your birth date. My wife's brother had shared the book shown here with us, which is quite simple and easy to understand. It has illustrated the explanation with simple guidelines and examples on finding a good name. However, since it is written in Mandarin, I had no chance to learn more from this book. We hope that this will help us in getting a good name our baby boy. :)

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