Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Baby's 6th Scanning

There are 2 good news during our 6th visit to Dr Jason Lim's clinic.

First, was my mother-in-law. She was with us during the scanning. She is very happy to witness the scanning and find out about my wife & baby's condition. Even though we all have to wait for more than 2 hrs for our turn, but it was a pleasure to have her accompany us this time. The 1st scanned picture only shows a portion of the baby's image, but this time we can see a much clearer picture of our baby's face features.

The second good news is... finally we are able to confirm the gender of our baby!! What can you notice in the red circle?! This picture was taken from the bottom of our baby's buttock. Try clicking on the image to enlarge it for better viewing.

And Yes, you are right!
It's the little tiny "Birdie" & Dr Jason Lim has confirmed that he is 100%, a baby BOY!

Our baby is now 27 weeks and 5 days old, weighing approximately 1.1 kg. Gambatte Boy! My Boy!
p/s: Pictures were taken on 20th October 2007

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