Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Baby's 7th Scanning

Today our baby will be 31 weeks & 5 days old. His weight is slightly heavier compared to previous scanning, at approximately 1.86kg. As usual, Dr Jason Lim scanned my wife tummy to check on our baby's condition. Besides knowing the baby is healthy, the baby also looks much bigger.

Our baby's movement has become more aggressive recently, especially late in the night (~10pm til 12pm). His hearing seems to be more sensitive as well. Everytime when I try to talk to him, or sing for him, he will react to my voice by punching or kicking his mother belly. Sometimes, he even will stop moving around when I ask him to do so. Haha!

That's really Amazing!!
Go! Go! My Baby Power!

p/s: Pictures were taken on 17th November 2007

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