Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, December 17, 2007

Preparation !

Now, it is the time for both me & my wife getting even more busy in preparing ourself for the arrival of our baby boy. It's only about a month left to baby's due date. There are still many things that we have not done yet. E.g washing & drying baby's clothing & napkins, finalising all the necessary items to be purchased, arrangement of our confinement nanny, hiring a house-cleaner, list and buy all the herbs & supplements needed to consume before & during confinement period, finalising on our baby's name, & many many more.

We have also prepared a check-list on items to bring to hospital when it's time to deliver. Picture shown on the left is another photo showing some of the baby stuff we have bought.

The 2 pictures below are the 1st baby's clothing we have purchase for our baby during our shopping at Jusco, Seremban 2. The picture on the left is a long-sleeve shirt with long pants, whereas on the right side one is a short- sleeve with a cap, booties & mittens. And only after the experience of shopping for baby clothing only I realise that these baby clothing can be more expensive than adults clothing! But, they are just cute right?! :p

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