Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Baby's Face Expression

Below is a compilation of 30 different face expressions of our baby Zheng Yuan captured day by day from the day he is born until Full moon. Hope you enjoy watching each & every expression of his like us.

Monday, February 25, 2008

More Photos of Babies at SP

Here are some of the photos posing all the babies in the house during our baby's 1st visit to Sungai Petani (SP) ...

Zheng Yuan is lying on the rocking bed (make by his grandpa) together with his cousin Chen Yin ...

He is playing together with another cousin Chen Huan, who is about 4 months older than him ...

Grandma is having busy time taking care of two grandson who is about the same age...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Baby's 1st visit to SP

Two days after our baby's full moon, we have decided to go to my in-laws' house at Sungai Petani. My wife planned to stay at her hometown before she resume working. Besides, I also can take this opportunity to proceed with the renovation of my house which has been delayed due to my wife's pregnancy.

Here are some of the photos taken when we are on our way to Sg. Petani. Our baby is sitting firmly on his Peg-Prego infant carrier cum car seat (with built-in side impact protection), a gift from my parents ...

Baby Zheng Yuan has been very good boy. He slept most of the time during this trip. Even if he is awake, he was enjoying himself gazing at the surrounding... My wife is having quite a relax time taking care of him during the 6 hours journey.

The following photos was taken on the 2nd day of our arrival at Sg. Petani. Seems like Zheng Yuan likes his grandparents house as well. :)

Family photos with our baby after dinner ...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baby's Full Moon

Today, 17th February is our Zheng Yuan's full moon. It means our baby is now 30 days old & he is going to be bald today according to chinese custom. Here are some of the photos taken during his balding process and thank god he has been a very good boy during the whole process! :)

We then bath him with 7 different types and colours of flowers and put on a his new clothes (which has to be bought by grandma (mother side)). Baby fall asleep quickly after bathing. The red piece of cloth (肚兜) he is wearing is from a temple that we used to pray.

Busy preparing baby's full moon gifts ...

Having memorable photography session among our family members ...

Starting with his "Tai Po(太婆)" ...

... with his handsome Daddy ...

... and then with his "Tai Ma(太嫲)", who stays approximately 20 min drive from our house ...

Video clip taken on Day 30 (Baby shaving in Action)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Like Father like Son

This is me (Left picture) taken by my parents 30 years ago. Does my baby Zheng Yuan (Right) looks as handsome as his dad? :D

There are few similar features that can be spotted easily by comparing both the photos. My wife has been rushing me to dig out my baby's photo because she wants to see if Zheng Yuan really have the features of me during my baby time. All my aunties has been saying that he just look like me during my baby time. Once my wife saw the photos, she is convinced. Haha.. too bad my parents didn't take the front shot, else it will be easier to compare. :p

Below is my family photo taken when I was young ... try magnifying it, & you can see how small & cute I am. (LOL)

p/s: Is my daddy a handsome guy?? Can you see how slim is my mum that time??!!

Below is also my another photo taken on 25th March, 1979 (when I'm about 8 months old). Am I look cute when I was a baby boy? I can't wait to take a photo of our baby Zheng Yuan when he is 8 months old, so I can compare if he still has my look! haha..

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chinese New Year Eve

Every year during CNY eve, we will be our family reunion dinner at my granny's house. But this year, things had change with the arrival of a new member in our house - baby Zheng Yuan. We have had our very first family reunion dinner at our own house. Although there were only some simple dishes, but we all felt very happy, and appreciative during our dinner.

So sweet ...

p/s: Baby Zheng Yuan is now 21 days old, & he was having his baby mood. May be he is complaining why he can only drink milk & unable to enjoy our "Ka Heong" dishes with us ... So pittyful... haha...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nanny's Last day

2nd Febuary, 2008 (Saturday) was quite a tough day for both myself & my wife since our baby was born. Today, is the day where both of us really have to take care of our lovely baby all by ourselves as the confinement nanny is going back to her hometown today for chinese new year, and my wife will be going back to seremban with my family for her confinement.

As early as 7am in the morning, we had already busy with all the packing work. We have to pack all the necessary baby items & our luggages into the car. Then, the busiest point is at about 1pm, where I need to send our confinement nanny to Pudu Station. My wife also heading to Seremban with my parents at the same time. I went back to my house to complete the rest of the cleaning before I went back to Seremban later that day. It was quite a tiring day for me, but I believe it is all worthy! :)

This is our confinement nanny posing together with my wife & baby. She is 55 years old with more than 10 years of experince in preparing confinement meals & baby-sitting.

Picture of our baby "Zheng Yuan" (17 days old), fed, bath, dressed & waiting patiently for us to bring him back to his dad's hometown at Seremban ...