Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baby's Full Moon

Today, 17th February is our Zheng Yuan's full moon. It means our baby is now 30 days old & he is going to be bald today according to chinese custom. Here are some of the photos taken during his balding process and thank god he has been a very good boy during the whole process! :)

We then bath him with 7 different types and colours of flowers and put on a his new clothes (which has to be bought by grandma (mother side)). Baby fall asleep quickly after bathing. The red piece of cloth (肚兜) he is wearing is from a temple that we used to pray.

Busy preparing baby's full moon gifts ...

Having memorable photography session among our family members ...

Starting with his "Tai Po(太婆)" ...

... with his handsome Daddy ...

... and then with his "Tai Ma(太嫲)", who stays approximately 20 min drive from our house ...

Video clip taken on Day 30 (Baby shaving in Action)

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