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Monday, January 14, 2008

Baby's 11th Scanning

Today is our 11th visit to Dr Jason Lim's clinic, which also indicates 1 day over from the estimated delivery due date that falls on 13th Jan. Both of us waited anxiously for the past 2 days & we were discussing about how is contraction like and if the slight pain my wife experience were actually the real contraction or just a false alarm. More over, we felt nervous & desperate to know how is our baby's condition when we waited for about 1hr 30 min for my wife's checkup.

Our baby boy is now 40 weeks & 1 day old. He weights approximately 3.37kg, only about 0.01kg heavier compare to the previous scanning. Dr Jason told us that the ultrasound images only predicts an estimated weight figure by measuring the size of the baby's waist with ± 10% tolerance. This means that our baby may be born within the range of 3.0kg - 3.6kg. The overall condition of our baby boy is fine. Heartbeat rate is measured at about 128 beat per min & his body is engaged in the correct position.

Dr Jason has also checked on my wife cervix's wall & to see if she has dilated. He then told us that my wife cervix is not soft enough for labour, and she has not dilated yet. He has advice us to wait for a few days more to see if there is any sign for labour, otherwise, he will perform induction on my wife to speed up the delivery process. We have taken Dr Jason's advice, and have also arranged admission to hospital on coming Wednesday night. After the admission, they will insert a pill to soften my wife's cervix, and the dripping process will start the next morning. Then, once the dilation has reached 10cm, there we will start the labour process. : So, our baby could be born on this coming Thursday or Friday!!!! My feeling now? Mixed feeling, don't know how to describe it... haha... I can just pray hard for the safety of both my wife and the new member of our family.

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