Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Birth Certificate

Today, I went to JPN at Puchong Utama to register for my baby's birth certificate and his MyKid Card. The whole process took about 40 minutes only and i have the baby's original birth certificate in my hand. However, baby's MyKid card will only be ready for collection about 1 month later.

Starting from Day 1 itself, there are lots of our caring friends & relatives eager to know our lovely baby's name. Some of them even have requested us to post our baby's name here when we have one for him. Well, both me & my wife would like to take this opportunity here to say a million "Thanks" for all your concern & supports. We really feel glad and touch deep inside our heart.

And, with this post, we would like to announce that our baby's name is called Loke Zheng Yuan (陆政元). All of our family members like this name very much. The middle name "Zheng" is used to follow baby's elder cousin whom now staying in Singapore (Loke Zheng Long). We have decided not to select any English name for the baby at the moment. We will just call his chinese name as 政元. :)

This is our baby 政元, posing with his best smile before the camera. Picture was taken on Day 9 after delivery.

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