Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, January 18, 2008

Introduction of our Lovely Baby Boy

After experiencing 40 weeks & 4 days of pregnancy, added with a lengthy 24hrs of labor pain & suffers, it has finally come to an end now, where our baby boy was born on Thursday evening, 17th January 2008. Both the mother and the boy are safe and very healthy.

He weights exactly 3.02kg & 48cm in length. Overall size is moderate & he has fair skin complexion. He has the combination features of both of us. Some of them say his eyes (when sleeping), eyebrows & lips looks like mother, while some say his eyes (when awake), nose & overall face shape looks like his dad. What do you think? More like dad? or like mum? or like both of us?

Pictures shown below were taken just 15 minutes after he was born …

Pictures taken when our baby boy was being transfer to the nursery for proper cleaning (about 30 min after delivey) ...

More pictures of our lovely baby boy at the nursery (about 1hr 30 min after delivery) ...

Pictures were taken after our baby and my wife finished his first trial on breast feeding ...

Movie clips of our baby taken on Day 1 (at the nursery) ...

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