Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

All of us especially my wife were waiting anxiously to discharge from hospital as early as possible on Day 4. She even keeps reminding me to get to the hospital at 8am sharp. Despite my best effort, me & my parents finally arrive there around 9am but we were still early for discharge, therefore all of us did spend some happy time with our baby before bringing him home.

... You will always see my mum with a big smile eveywhere she goes ... whenever she is with her grandson ... starting from the ward room ...

... smilling all the way from the hospital lift heading towards the main lobby ...

... even when she has entered the car ...

... & even when our baby has arrived home safely ... sleeping on his new bed ...

And this is me, my wife & our baby posing in our room ... Baby fell asleep pretty soon, may be he feels very familiar & homey as he entered our room?? HAHA!!

It's time for changing his diaper ... and fyi, my baby can poo-poo for more than 8 times a day. That has not included his wee-wee some more. :D

Beside, the colour of our baby's poo-poo will change from one colour to another as he grow older. Starting from black (najis terlonggok), to green, then to orange & finally to banana colour. You wanna watch what colour of my baby poo-poo ? Check out the picture below... it's still greenish in colour... :p

Video clip of our baby taken on Day 4 (Diaper changing in Action)

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